Burglary radar Höxter district

Burglary in an apartment
Burglary radar Höxter district
The Höxter district police authority provides information on burglaries in the Höxter district with an overview map

We want people to feel safe in their own four walls. This includes providing information on the ongoing development of burglary crime in the Höxter district police authority's area of responsibility.

To give you an overview of where burglaries have occurred in the Höxter district, we provide you with a weekly overview map.

This map shows the residential burglaries (including attempts) of the past week.

The exact streets and house numbers of the crime scenes are not recognizable for data protection reasons.

Combating domestic burglary is a priority for the police in NRW. In the state-wide prevention campaign "Riegel vor! Safe is safer", it addresses citizens with the following recommendations:

  •  Secure your home and your house! 
  • Be alert in your neighborhood!
  • Inform the police immediately on 110!

The police need your help! So if you make any suspicious observations, call the police immediately on 110! Your information is extremely valuable in the fight against burglars!

Further information on the nationwide prevention campaign against burglary in the home can be found under the link on the right "Riegel vor" or from the prevention office of the Höxter district police authority, phone: 05271 - 9620.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110